Previously Brown Brothers Drilling where they had been operating since 1954, in the thick of industrial Te Rapa is Raglan Roast’s largest site and new distribution hub.
Tucked away off the main Te Rapa Straight drag, with ample parking space, indoor and outdoor seating it has become a central meeting place for many in the Waikato. The rustic ‘mudroom’ shed has become a second home to Fire/Ambulance/Police officers, concrete truckers, school mums and local sports-heros alike.
Here we are roasting daily on our custom built, small-batch roasters to fuel the rest of NZ as we fulfil your online bean orders.
Pop your head out the back of the shed to see our roasters in action!
Hours MON-FRI 6am-5pm SAT-SUN 7am-5pm
Contact Information 539 Te Rapa rd Hamilton 3200 [07] 282 1108